Thursday 8 January 2015

2015 for Lockett's Pockets

I know the time has kind of passed for new year new me posts but as I have just got back into blogging I thought I'd still throw my reflection of the year out there.

In 2014 I learned a hell of a lot. That people surprise you, that opportunities come to you when you least expect it and life isn't fair. But 2014 made me better and now 2015 is going to be one of the best years of my life.

I would not be the person I am today without the struggles I've met, and I wouldn't ever ask to change a thing. I'm extremely blessed right now, surrounded by some truly amazing people who I appreciate constantly, with better things to come. Blogging is such an amazing part of my life and I'm so happy to be back, after my brief break to sort out my arm and general health out and I hope this year to make Lockett's Pockets even stronger, and hey maybe even make it to London Fashion Week!

Thank you to everyone who viewed my posts, liked my Instagram photos, read my tweets and generally cared about me and my blog, it would be impossible to do this without you all.

Here's to 2015, being better, smarter and always seeing the good in everyone and everything.

& hopefully buying a pug!

Elena x

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